12 Days of Fitness 2020

Today is our last day of class for the season, join us for one last Zumba party for 2020! We also kick off our 12 Days of Fitness challenge! This is a personal challenge to take at least 30 minutes everyday for 12 days (with the exception of 2 break days if needed) for self-care. From physical activity (whether in a class or on your own) to mental and breath awareness, meditation, and spa days, join in the challenge to curate your own wellness routine. Commit to 30 minutes of showing your mind, body, and spirit a little love each day for the last 12 days of the year and bring in the new year making your needs a priority.

We’ve already started sharing free and low cost wellness opportunities, click here to learn more about the 12 Days of Fitness challenge and to see more fitness/wellness resources. What activities would you put in your wellness routine?