Honey Maple Roasted Carrots

Be honest, have you fallen off the wagon too?

I meant to keep cooking delicious meals for myself and sharing them with you as motivation to be one with the kitchen…but that got lost somewhere between managing life changes and making room for rest.

I’ve been promising myself that I’d get back into it, cuz I really do love to cook (not that you’d know it by looking at my habits). I realize it’s easier for me to cook for other people and my new co-workers share the yums they make and they try each others creations. So with this newfound gastric community and renewed motivation, here I go with the baby steps...

This honey maple roasted carrot recipe from Damn Delicious was a great restart. The only differences I made to my recipe is that I used fresh garlic, onions, and thyme. I’m a fan of the savory sweet that ensued so I’m sharing it with you. If carrots are right up your alley give this one a try and let me know how you like it!

Is there anything you’re trying to get back into? What would help you get started again?
I’m sharing recipes with you, admittedly in a selfish attempt to keep myself cooking more delicious and nutritious meals, but also so that you can too! I’ve shared my sources so if this recipe isn’t your bag, you can check out the source for more yummy ideas.