A Testimony In Progress

This is not a feel good, happy post but even unfinished testimonies have value.

At first I wasn't gonna even record this check-in, cuz I was overwhelmed by this low vibrational space I've been sitting in for the past couple weeks.

Then, once recorded, I wasn't gonna share the video because I didn't want the emotional breakdown that happened on camera to drag anybody else down into this dark space when watching it.

But I realized, if I'm truly being authentic and staying committed to the motivation behind doing these check-ins, then I can't just share the upbeat, positive messages. That's like only sharing the light, only sharing the good news, omitting the shadow, and hiding the battle.

It wasn't until maybe 2 days ago that I even realized this month is mental health awareness month, coinciding serendipitously with this mental conflict I've been having within myself for the past few weeks. What more welcome an invitation could there be to shine some light on my shadow in the present?

So here it is. This video captures a raw moment for me, so if it resonates with you I invite you to connect with me, this is a safe space. If it isn't for you, please have compassion and just keep scrolling, life is challenging enough already.

If you want to learn more about the Zumba I'm talking about in the video, visit talithadance.com. I have to say, for the record and in hindsight, making this video yesterday actually helped to make today one of the good days. I hope you had a good day too ♥️