Which energies have been carrying you these past couple weeks? How have they been holding you up (or holding you back)? This is our last check in for January, talk to me (or to self). Did you do something you wanted to do this month?
These past couple weeks for me have welcomed a motivational and inspirational realization, check out the full video on our YouTube channel (link in bio). Finishing a crochet top that had me feeling like an unstoppable force of uplifting energy started a whirlwind of ideas that manifested in a new product for our shop! This cyclone of energy took me by surprise and helped me tap into a truth I had not truly understood or embraced before:
I am my own inspiration, fueling unique ideas and out of the box thinking. I solve the puzzle of how to make those ideas reality and I offer them to you. Muse: Dreamer: Manifestor: Brand. I am a generator. My energy is my brand and I am honored that my brand can be someone else's muse, starting the cycle over again for someone else.
This past couple weeks gave me a deeper look into self and how my business needs to operate. I have just scratched the surface of understanding which is perfect because it's only January 😅. I can't wait to see what more there is to learn and how it helps me continue growing!
The year still holds so much potential. How will you tap into it to do something you want to do for February?
T-shirt & bandana talithadance.com/merchandise
Mifeloy hair wax from Amazon
Copper ring, braided ring, Peridot silver ring from tinyrituals.com